My favorite Venice movie so far has been SUMMERTIME – the 1955 film starring Katherine Hepburn. I watched the day after I bought my ticket to Venice. mmmmmm
I rented it HERE.
Completely lovely.
I also watched Wings of the Dove. Another good one I saw years ago – Bread & Tulips. And of course who can forget the diabolical Christopher Walken in The Comfort of Strangers?
For the most part I try and limit visual input into my travel brain before I go somewhere new. I like it to feel fresh and surprising. But sometimes I can’t help myself!
Oops you already said Bread and Tulips!! It is too early in the morning! You can delete the above post Mary Ann, I couldn’t figure out how to delete it myself.
Movie trivia for Summertime … that fall in the canal left KH with a lifelong eye infection! But she was happy to do her own stunts! 🙂 Love that film!
Oooh, I’d forgotten Wings of the Dove! Very good. And, well, the Blond Bond does traipse through Venice just a bit in Casino Royale.
OMG, Wings of the Dove! I remember the funeral scene. I turned to my friend and said, “If you gotta go, that’s the way to go!”