Here are some various PRINTABLES you might be interested in using in your travel or visual journal or any other project you choose. You can also use them digitally if you have the skills to do so. Use them as is, or change to suit your needs. I made them using Photoshop CS5.
I suggest printing on good quality white cardstock or matte photo paper at your highest photo-quality printer settings. I usually check the “scale to fit media” box in my printer settings. This ensures that nothing gets cut off during the printing process.
My printer is a regular old inkjet, CANON MP620, and it is at least 4 years old. I don’t know which model replaced it, but mine has a scanner, copier, and printer all-in-one. It’s hands down the best printer I’ve ever had.
Note: DO NOT print from the photos seen here. Print directly from the PDF document which is at a much higher resolution and is sized correctly. The photos are just to show you what each PDF file looks like.
The 2 PDF files containing all of the PRINTABLES is here:
Click on the PDF files and they will download to your computer. They open with Adobe Reader – free software readily available online.
When you click a navy blue icon will appear in a new window which states: “loading”. When loading is complete click on the download symbol to begin downloading. The download symbol and other options appear in the hover icon bottom screen right. Roll your mouse over this area for it to appear. Problems? Switch browsers and retry.
Please be aware that you’ll need a bit of basic technical know-how in order to download and locate the PDFs on your computer. Since I have no access to your computer, I thank you in advance for understanding that I’ll be unable to assist with this.
HERE is another page of BLANK vintage labels. Just realized mine all have December dates!