I’m afraid the only support I can provide long distance, is limited advice on very common issues. I can’t help you with computer troubleshooting for problems occuring only on your end. For those more complex issues you’ll need to seek help locally.
The most common computer/video problems are:
- passwords that mysteriously seem not to work any longer (very common)
SWITCH BROWSERS – super easy and super effective! Try this first.
OR Clear your browser cache – Google this topic to find out how.
- videos that won’t play or play intermittently (also common)
Your video download speed may be slow or inconsistent. In this case, you can try pausing the video until the entire stream is downloaded (the loading bar reaches the end of the player), and then, once the video’s completely loaded try playing the video. Try this first.
OR switch browsers. Try this next.
OR Clear your browser cache – Google this topic to find out how.
The recommended fixes below will solve 99% of your computer woes. If you try everything and nothing works your best option is to watch on another computer.