TICKET TO VENICE debuted in 2012.
In this class I marry my love of traveling with my love of journaling & teaching. It feels like the perfect union. From Moss Cottage to Venice and back again. You’ll watch as I experience the pure joy & wonder of travel. You’ll sit beside me as I chronicle my Venetian days from my apartment overlooking one of the canals. 2 grand weeks worth of travel bliss, then back to California to finish my bursting-at-the-seams travel journal. Grab your passport, get your ticket, some sturdy walking shoes, and a sense of adventure. I’ve got things to see and I’m taking you with me!
You may begin whenever you want and revisit the videos and class blog for 1yr/$35
It’s still worth it. Even after all these years.
Explicit video instructions for you to construct {from start to finish} a lovely book structure with an exquisite stitch along the spine. I’ll show you the exact supplies I carry with me when I journal abroad, how I prepare the journal ahead of time, and how I complete it when I get home. {plus about a billion other things I think of along the way} This will include videos before, during, and after the trip. {20 videos} If you have difficulty finishing travel journals you start, are overwhelmed by possibilities, or just want a little guidance this will be right up your alley.
I will construct another journal in class that will be similar to the one above
- During class you’ll be provided with a 12 page PDF document containing explicit directions for binding your book with this unique stitch.
- An 88 page travel memento/ PDF of every page in my travel journal along with a few special & memorable photos of Venice. Some of these photos will be shared on my public blog of course, but members of Ticket To Venice will be privy to every. single. page. Make a hot toddy, snuggle up in a warm nook, and pore over the pages on your ipad or computer.
DAILY DIGITAL POSTCARDS: If you caught a late flight and missed the postcards via email while I was in Venice, you’ll be able to download high-resolution printable postcards of the entire series via PDF. They can be printed on fine thick paper and used as post-card-sized art prints, mailed to friends, hung on your inspiration boards, used in your own travel journal, or tucked away and pulled out whenever you need a reminder of the power and wonder of travel. 13 postcards altogether.
IN-DEPTH BLOGGING & VIDEOS FROM VENICE: For those who buy their tickets to Venice you will have a first class seat right next to me for the entire trip. Of course, my public blog will have brief posts about my trip, more like postcards to friends back home, but those who choose to come along for the ride will be getting a rich stream of images & videos of the journey as it unfolds. Imagine floating down the grand canal, going for strolls through the narrow streets, visiting markets, basking in the sights and sounds of Venice. I look forward to capturing all of this with my camera. For myself, yes, but also for you, my faithful armchair travelers. Once I’m back home you can STILL continue to sign up and be privy to the exact same videos, video blogs, and travel blogs. EVERY aspect of my Venetian journey is waiting for you.
I’ve been hard at work making a treasure trove of high-resolution printables for use in your visual journals, travel journals, or any of your mixed media projects. I think you’ll be pleased with the luscious assortment of labels, journaling cards, and tabs. In addition, I have high-resolution scans of vintage Italian envelopes w/ postage and vintage postcards. Create digital masterpieces of your own or print and use in your journals.
Think of this class as an independent study. I no longer offer support or answer questions (I can’t remember the answers!)